“Saying ‘Yes’ to myself — no matter what — has given me the opportunity to live a life beyond what I could have imagined!”
I want that for you, too!
As I look back on my life I see the major thread that has always been present is to be happy and to have the courage to say ‘Yes’ to myself no matter what. That meant (and still does!) authentically expressing myself in my life and my work.
From the time I was a little girl I had ideas not only about the way I dressed and wore my hair, but how others dressed as well. As I think about it, I’m amazed that my young friends and grown-ups alike, took my advice!
I remember at maybe 8 or 9 years old, knowing that I wanted to be a hairdresser, a buyer for a clothing store and a psychiatrist … until I found out that first you had to be a doctor … so that finished that idea! The wonderful part is that now I do all 3 in my ColorEssence Experience, and of course coaching is included in all that I do.
The first part of my desires were fulfilled when I had my own hairdressing business.
My intention was always to cut my clients’ hair in a way that expressed their true nature, not a ‘one style fits all’. Knowing this was my gift, they often asked me to help choose their clothing for weddings, TV appearances and other important events.
Revealing the beautiful person inside each of us — through how you look on the outside, and expressing who you really are in all aspects of your life — is my passion.
Saying “Yes” to another, even more beautiful life
I had a thriving business, a beautiful home, a nice life. My daughter and son were grown and just about to go out on their own and something was stirring in me.
I remember one day when I looked at it all, raised my head and hands to the sky and shouted, “There has got to be more than this!” — and I knew that it wasn’t a swimming pool or a new car!
I sold my home, closed my hairdressing business and began to travel and experience a variety of trainings, personal growth groups and workshops.
How I received my name…
Many people ask me about my name — how to pronounce it (it rhymes with “eyelash”) and where it comes from.
I was given my name in 1982, as a gift from my Spiritual Master, Osho. The language is Sanskrit. My full name is Divyam Kailash and it means, Divine Himalayan Mountain Peak.
Mt. Kailash is the most sacred mountain in Tibet. It is revered by at least 4 religions and is thought to be “paradise on earth.” There are many stories about Mt. Kailash, some myths, some true… all fascinating.

Kaveen and me on a rainy summer day in Switzerland.
By a series of “coincidences” (I think these things happen when we say ‘Yes’ to ourselves even if it seems odd to others), I was led to my Spiritual Master, Osho.
Reading Osho’s words for the first time opened a place in me that was like waking up to something that I had always known, but not aware of.
The first time I saw Osho, my heart and soul were set free in his Presence and his Love. I felt so much joy … beyond words. Being in the Presence of this remarkable man has been the pinnacle of my life and is woven into the tapestry of all that I am and do.
I spent many years living with Osho and my fellow travelers in the spiritual communities that were created around him, both in the United States and India. My life has been forever transformed.
My experience has been that following my heart (saying ‘Yes’ to myself) and the trust that goes hand in hand with that, has given me a life full of treasures I could never have imagined.

In The Hills Overlooking Siena
So what has this got to do with color, clothing, your self-esteem and your business?
The colors you wear, the design of your clothes, the cut of your hair, the way you feel and think about your body, are perfect ways to help you move more deeply into Living Your True Colors.
Working with and coaching so many women, I’ve discovered that our self-esteem is reflected not only in how we dress, but also in our relationship with our bodies, our money, our business, and impacts every other relationship we have in our lives.
Letting go of worn out beliefs that no longer serve you and transforming the way you look, think and feel about yourself, opens a space in you for your unique and beautiful brilliance to be revealed and lived, and become the star of your own life!
And what could possibly be better than that?!
To know more how you can have this for yourself, please contact me for a complimentary Live Your True Colors call!